WTF Bride Is 3!
WTF, how have I not ghosted this blog?
What started as a fervent summer flirtation on my parents’ sundeck is now a full on relationship. It was 2020, and the world had screeched to an agonizing stop. People were filling their social bubbles with adopted animals or worse, imprisoned by their current romantic interest, expectant that uncertainty and fear would ease with company by their side.
My jackhammer heart, usually calmed by afternoon tea dates and spa days (but COVID broke us up), rediscovered writing like he was one hot nerd who underwent a massive transformation just by switching to contacts one summer.
Like newfound love, I was blissfully unperturbed by my past writing relationships that fell off the wayside. I was swept off my feet by the idea of starting this blog. WTF Bride was shiny-new, Facebook official, and *gasp* public.
I dreamed of an easy love, okay? Sunday mornings with my perfectly-foamed cappuccino, fingers just hammering away at my keyboard like prolific Stephen King.
Instead, the coffee got cold and the cursor blinked impatiently, drowning in the vast screen space. Did I already crash into a writing blockade?
So it’s true that good relationships are hard work, and so it shall be known that okay writing is also hard work. Words fall for each other, then they fall all over each other. Too often, my drafts are an incoherent mess because the writing muse didn’t choose me to be the flavour of the week.
Yet over the years, I’ve come back to WTF Bride.
And for whatever reason, you have too.
If you’ve read anything on this compilation of life as I know it, thank you!
And if you’re my husband and I forced you to read this blog, please continue to stalk my written pursuits as if we’re basking in blossoming romance and you’re dying to know everything about me! Tee-hee.
WTF Hubby got cake on the night of the blog’s anniversary
I’ll be seeing you, dear readers -
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