WTF Bride

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I’m stupid when it comes to love.

For some reason, my mind just doesn’t compute big life moments. That’s why our upcoming wedding didn’t exactly register in my mind until I said yes to not one, but TWO wedding dresses!

I kid you not. I said yes to the dresses. Two. Of. Them.

Dress shopping was something that I put off for months (okay, only six months). It didn’t matter that I have a Pinterest board of wedding dresses dating back to the early days of dating WTF Hubby. Covid made it okay to keep looking at dresses online, and never stepping into a dress store.

As expected, my procrastination kicked in. I felt guilty that my excitement about the dress was nosediving compared to the excitement of the people around me. Even my RMT, who I saw once a month, pitched her idea of what kind of dress I would love (something ornate and fun).

Did everyone around me know more about me than I knew myself? It felt so backwards to me! You would expect me to jump at the first chance of dress shopping, considering how much I love fashion.

The wedding dress experience didn’t kick off until I started sending pictures of qipaos (think red Asian wedding dress) to my bridesmaids. I narrowed the choices down to three and we all agreed on one!

I can’t show it to you, but trust me when I say I am in love with it. The matching shoes, hair accessories, and red lipstick tied the look together like the camellia white ribbon on a Chanel box.

After some coaxing from my friend and shopping for her wedding dress, I put on my big girl pants and made my appointment to Vimo Wedding on Kingsway. They had very strict Covid guidelines, so I was only able to bring my Mom with me. Seeing my Mom at Vimo cemented the fact that I was crazy to even try to skip this experience! It’s true that you can buy dresses online nowadays, but the dress experience I had in-store with my Mom was so special. It helped too, that we had a wonderful sales associate (hi Brooklyn)!

If you’ve gone wedding dress shopping, you’ll notice that the dresses all start to look the same after awhile. I wanted something that was unique, and I really liked this Mandarin collar meets white wedding dress look. Unfortunately, summer weddings are not friendly towards high neck dresses. I knew that if I wasn’t comfortable in my dress, it would splash across all our wedding photos!

Both the dresses I got make me feel not only beautiful, but myself. Like the unfettered feeling you get when you dance in pajamas with your headphones on, rocking out to that song that doesn’t receive enough airplay anymore. That’s how I feel when I’m in my wedding dresses:

Ready to party to the beating hearts of deep commitment. Basically, the dresses make me feel like a bride!

When I found my second dress, the floodgates to joy, giddiness, and realization all hit me at once that WTF Hubby and I are getting married! It’s finally happening!

The clouds parted and the sun shone through as my bride tribe stepped out of the dress store to celebrate over cheesecakes and cupcakes. I could not have asked for a better memory with my friends. I felt so loved.

So do you want to know where I said yes to that second dress? It was at Bello Wedding World on Main Street! Both of my friends fell in love with a very stunning lace number on me. Then I put on the dress after that one and I knew - this one was the one.

The price tag also told me it was the one. LOL.

The dress I chose is very extra. It’s beautiful, romantic, sparkly, and FUN! It makes me light up just thinking about it. It makes me want to twirl! I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with a dress, but when I put that one on, I knew it was for me.

I can’t wait to show you the dresses after our wedding! Leave a comment if you want to see dress shopping tips, and subscribe to my blog for more wedding content!

Talk soon,