

Welcome to WTF Bride’s wedding blog, based in Vancouver, B.C. Navigating the wedding world is full of “WTF?!” moments, from the financially to the emotionally draining. If you are an overwhelmed bride, you’ll find a friend in me. We got this, babe! Hope you have a nice stay!

WTF To Expect For 2021 Weddings After COVID Vaccinations

WTF To Expect For 2021 Weddings After COVID Vaccinations

WTF Bride Vaccine

The vaccine is now in your toned, bride-to-be arm (Yay!). Side effects include you feeling like you’re two inches taller, and you sashay out of the vaccination site like you just gave Covid the ultimate eff you. Now what?

Don’t start adding 100 more wedding guests to your 2021 love party just yet. Covid is not finished trying to crash your wedding. Here’s why:

  1. The British Columbia Vaccine Roll-Out Plan

WTF Bride Vaccination Wedding

If you’re using the vaccine plan as a roadmap in your wedding planning, watch out for bumps along the way. Vaccine availability can change!

If things go according to plan, the youngest eligible age-group (18 to 24 years old) will get vaccinated around June 2021. They’ll be returning in October 2021 for their second dose.

WTF Bride Cherry Blossom Bride

What to expect right now: Continue to be mindful of your guests’ comfort level around wedding-related events and your wedding until they’re fully vaccinated.

There may be a positive shift in October 2021 Weddings when the last age group gets their second dose.

2. You’re not fully vaccinated

WTF Bride Mask Wearing

The CDC did say that fully vaccinated people can gather closely indoors without a mask (Welcome back normal weddings!), but alas, that ain’t you yet, honey.

I know: so close, yet so far.

Your second dose will likely come 16 weeks after your initial triumphant moment. The nurse did mention that your second dose needs to be the exact same vaccine that entered your bloodstream the first time around. You’ll be considered fully vaccinated two weeks after your second dose of Pfizer or Moderna.

What to expect right now: Plan to flaunt that cute bridal mask you got from Etsy if your wedding is in April - September 2021.

After your vaccination, continue to do your best to stay safe and protect those around you by: maintaining physical distancing, washing your hands regularly, wearing a mask, and following public health protocols and restrictions.

WTF Bride Social Distance Physical Distance

3. You Have Covid Brain

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You may have gone through the pandemic without testing positive for Covid, but if there’s something that we all carry a bit with us - it’s Covid brain.

The changes in your mental health and newfound way of living are real. Some brides are happy to postpone their wedding (maybe again?) to 2022 if that means things can go back to the way they were.

Others of you are ready to get married in 2021. Vaccine or no vaccine. I get it! I’m so ready to become a wife in August 2021.


What to expect right now: In April - September 2021, plan for a brief and small ceremony, outside if possible.

Vaccination is a big step forward, but don’t expect it to be the answer to all your wedding planning woes.

Just pause. Soak in the fact that you’re now vaccinated! Things are about to change again, but this time you’ve got a firmer grip on the steering wheel.

Will you make changes to your wedding in light of the vaccine or keep things the same? Let me know in the comments below.

Stay safe!

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