WTF, You Can Manifest What You Want Without Becoming a Complete Bish/ Bridezilla
A week after getting home from Paris, I became Tinderella searching for her fella.
I fell fast when I met WTF Hubby. How fast, you ask? Three dates fast. That’s all I needed to delete Tinder off my phone.
What may seem like one trivial action can resonate so loudly in another person’s heart. We’re now engaged with keys to our first home!
Yes, You Do! // Credits: Firefly Yoga
People say I’m lucky. Some think the universe and its law of attraction has my back. Others say I’m spoiled because “I always get what I want.”
Do yourself a favour and mute this third party documentary. There are enough forces working against you on the outside that you don’t need to be your own worst enemy. Be kind to yourself and see how manifestation can work for you.
What do you want?!
Manifestation works when you know what you want.
When we got engaged, I had a choice: spend a large chunk on a wedding or buy a home. It only felt like a no-brainer because with every choice I had to make - it got easier and easier to choose.
Start small and get very specific about what you want.
Pick what you want to eat when your bf asks.
Pick one pair of shoes instead of buying all three because you can’t decide on a colour. Start somewhere. If your choice wasn’t great, make a different choice next time.Once you’ve narrowed it down, get specific. What does the successful career look like? How about that balanced and healthy lifestyle? Love? That coveted car? Or that dream day wedding? Describe it and put all your focus into this one thing.
2. Make a Vision Board
Credits: Template vector created by coolvector
I used to think vision boards were stupid.
It was the method I chose that was stupid for me!
Instead of crafting one and hanging it on a wall, I made a digital vision board and turned it into my phone’s wallpaper. If I turn on my phone thirty-five times in a day, I would be reminded of what I wanted.
Thirty-five times a day.
3. Visualize this vision!
Credits: Party photo created by benzoix
It only takes 17 seconds.
17 seconds to see yourself living your full potential.
Visualize what it feels like to have what you want. Make it a wall-to-wall, 3D-theatrical experience with immersive surround-sound and hold onto it. Feel the excitement. Act as if you already have it.
See yourself sitting in first class, looking into the clouds while a smile plays on your lips. Feel the way the train of your wedding dress trails behind you as you walk towards your fiance. Hear the laughter echo in your new apartment as you make it rain champagne.
Feel all the feelings to set things in motion. The universe feeds off the feelings you give off.
Then visualize the steps you need to take and take them!
4. Relax & Don’t Obsess Over It
Credit: People photo created by snowing
Wow, did you get this far just for me to tell you to sit down and wait for things to happen?
Hardly. You’ll need overwhelming patience here. You’ll need to do more mental work.
Here is where you can easily cross the line towards obsession. You’ll need to make the minute distinction between knowing what you want and getting consumed by the wanting. When you obsess, you start to give off the vibration of lack. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you aren’t good enough or that you always lack certain things, you’ll never have enough.
Believe that you are abundant and that’s what you’ll attract. Relax, what you want is on its way. You got this!
5. Be Grateful and Feel Happy Now!
Celebrate the failed attempts and missteps. See it as the universe fine-tuning your plan for you. A door closed so that you can open another. Stop knocking. You are meant for something more.
Celebrate the small achievements. Continue to make choices and appreciate what you already have. Be grateful that you are moving forward.
The universe always rewards positive, forward movements.
Credit: Background photo created by lifeforstock
What is manifestation, really?
Manifestation isn’t magic.
It’s essentially the steps you take to finding your true self.
It starts with listening to what you want in your life and gaining the courage to make decisions that align with who you are. When you are visualizing, you are actively restructuring your attitudes and beliefs.
This newfound, guiding system becomes your internal compass to decision making. You become more prone to saying yes to taking actions that subconsciously align with your new self. You start to say no to other things.
Things begin to happen for you, instead of happening to you. That’s manifestation.
You have choices to make and doors to open. Do the work.
Good luck! You are an adaptable work in progress.