WTF Does a Stay-At-Home Mom Do? Welcome To My “New Mom” Era
It’s the dawn of a new era…
Yet our home vibe has remained incredibly chill! It’s so noticeable that friends have commented and pondered the secrets we’ve been harbouring as new parents.
Not going to lie. We have a happy and chill 2-month-old, and I’m not about to discount her contributions to our general sanity. If anything, she has made it infinitely easier to fall into the rhythm of being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM)!
The keyword here is rhythm. You can be hell-bent on creating an hourly schedule with an infant, but that’s just not going to fly.
You also don’t want your days to fall into absolute chaos, so what to do? Cultivate a relaxed atmosphere and get things done (yes, even with a youngster) by trying this: Blocking out your day.
Time Blocking with My Mini Me
Morning Block - 6:00 to 9:00 A.M.
Wake up. Morning Routine. Get dressed/ baby fashion. Exercise. Garden.
I wake up to two alarms: Mimu cat and baby Bunbun. Sometimes they go off simultaneously. One climbs on top of me for snuggles and the other struggles. Ultimately, they both want food.
Depending on what time it is after cat and baby have been fed, I’ll shower, get dressed, and get Bunbun ready for our morning walk. We’re liberal about what we count as exercise, so walking to get coffee or bánh mi makes the list!
When we get home, I open the blinds to prove that I’m not a creature of darkness even though that’s how I feel… and I let Mimu outside. She reminds me to water the garden by looking at me with judgemental eyes.
Play and Clean Block - 9:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
Breakfast. Play. Laundry. Sweep + Vacuum. Nap. Planning.
Bunbun is fed again and this opens up two adventures for her.
1. She falls into a food coma, and I do laundry.
2. I set her up at her play gym for independent play, and I do laundry.
Bunbun in her play gym
If you don’t have a laundry machine, get one if you’re planning to have a baby. It’s going to become the theme of your life (scavenging around the house for laundry, doing it, drying it, folding it), because babies are human fountains of regurgitated milk.
I’m so over how many times I need to sweep and vacuum. It’s twice a day now unless something meets gravity head-on and shatters.
Bunbun is tired of playing around this time so she gets vocal, gets fed, and gets a nap. My own breakfast is paired with a quick look at my Erin Condren planner, and I settle into admin-type tasks.
Online shopping is my admin task hahaha.
Baby Block - 11:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Lunch. Play. Tummy time. Bath.
WTF Hubby and I lunch together and one of us will inevitably acknowledge how lucky we are to be having lunch together, aww!
Sometimes Hubby goes out for lunch, but he will always bring me food because he values his life. Uber Eats does the cooking if it’s a day that I make lunch! See? We have a lunch system going for us.
Bunbun gets undivided attention during this block of play. We read her favourite books, look at high contrast cards, practice grasping toys, and end with the dreaded tummy time! I do tummy time too, and it’s clear why she doesn’t like it. I always feed her afterwards to make her feel better.
We alternate between bath time and towel-baths to avoid drying out Bunbun’s skin. She loves the water and listens to off-key renditions of Row Row Row Your Boat until it’s time to get burritoed in towels. I give her a baby massage and calm her for nap time.
Rest Block - 2:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Social Media. Nap.
This is where I answer messages and work on IG posts while Bunbun is asleep.
My Instagram @mimucrafts
Then I doze off too.
Evening Block - 5:00 to 6:30 P.M.
Play. Bubble Tea. Quick clean. Pokemon Go.
Because I’m a primary teacher, I believe in the importance of play! I’m constantly trying to come up with activities to do with Bunbun and simultaneously set her up for independent play.
A fresh bubble tea magically appears in the fridge. Just kidding, it’s Hubby’s doing. I enjoy this while doing a mad dash to clean up around the house before anyone comes over!
Busy Block - 6:30 to 10 P.M
Dinner. Admin. Errands. Blog & Gigs. Walk/ Hang outs.
We are extremely lucky to have family come visit us and bring food! Every other day, Dad watches Bunbun for us!
We use this time to do admin tasks, run errands, do date night, or get down to work! I frantically blog during this time or finish up/ go out for any Instagram ‘gigs’. Don’t ask me where I get my energy!
Wind Down Block - 10:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M.
Wind down. Read. Sleep.
Going to bed in her cozy Ralph Lauren onesie
In our family, Bunbun and Mimu are tied for which cutie pie falls asleep first!
Mimu has been patient and kind to Bunbun, and I try hard to play and cuddle with her any chance I get! I used to feel frustrated when she'd hop on my desk for attention but now I drop whatever I’m doing to be with my sassy tortie. To an animal, their human is their entire world! How’s that for perspective?
Then it’s time for Mommy to read what Mommy wants to read - horror! Reading next to Mimu is always nice, especially when everyone else is already asleep.
And that is how I time-block my day as a Stay-at-Home Mom!
Thanks for (digitally) spending the day with me. If you’re a fellow SAHM, how does a typical day look like for you?
Let me know in the comments below or connect with me over on Instagram @mimucrafts or @wtfbride.